Credit and Appreciation go to: Jenny Stricklin

Halli and Shelby

Shelby and Halli are a wonderful pair of siblings! Older sister Shelby is sweet, loving, quiet, and very friendly. Her foster parents shared that she is a kind, caring young lady with a great deal of empathy for those around her. Shelby enjoys playing with her tablet and toys, and she takes a lot of pride and joy in learning new things on the piano. Younger sister Halli is a very mature, respectful, and responsible young lady. Like her sister, Halli is known for being sweet and very compassionate to others. She enjoys arts and crafts, music, and working with younger children. She especially loves to sing, and she has a truly beautiful voice. Maybe our two sisters have a future in music! Shelby does struggle a little at school and with finishing her chores at home, and Halli struggles with losing her connection with her grandparents. But neither sister has any significant behavioral issues and they both really want to be adopted. They miss being a part of a family and don’t have any specific type of family they want to be a part of…single parent, two parents, other siblings, pets, etc. Don’t hesitate to take that leap of faith on these two sisters!

Age: 14, 13

Help Halli and Shelby Find The Perfect Home

Short Film Sponsored By: SOCO Church

Inquire About Halli and Shelby

A family has been identified for them! They will remain in our Heart Gallery until their adoption is finalized.

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