Credit and Appreciation go to: Samantha Daniels Photography


Folks, our buddy Deven is a hoot, but as you might guess, his life can get a little complicated. Deven creates and builds amazing things using his hands, but he can be a little disorganized and a little too focused on “stuff” – the right clothes, the right games, the right things. And, he can struggle with authority at times. These traits are a by-product of the trauma he went through growing up, and he’s not always successful at managing them the way he’d like to. But the great news is that these behaviors are absolutely going to get better with time, patience, and support. In fact, Deven has made great strides during his time in care, and he is poised to really come into his own in the right environment. Deven has a wonderful, happy spirit as his foundation…he just needs the right family. What does that family look like? He needs a family committed to routines, structure, and consistency with experience parenting kiddos already. If this sounds like your family, let us know.

Age: 17

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