Credit and Appreciation go to: Eli Murray Photography

Kloee 'Magnus'

Ask any teenager what their hopes and dreams are, and you may get answers like to be rich, go viral, or have the latest cool sneakers, but ask Kloee what her hopes and dreams are, and she’ll tell you “…just to have a family.” Meet Kloee, a teenage girl looking for her forever home. Kloee is an all-around girly-girl. Like most teenage girls, she loves to do get dressed up, do her hair and makeup, and hanging out with friends. She also enjoys reading and drawing. In fact, Kloee hopes to go to school and get a degree in art and make a career out of it.  Those who know Kloee describe her as positive, resilient, and determined, and given her past experiences, those words are truly fitting. Kloee has been through so much at a young age. She often struggles with the trauma from her past and processing her emotions. It is important that she is placed in a family that understands her needs, and a family that is patient and willing to help her work through some of her behaviors. Could your family be the family to make a difference in Kloee’s life? Submit an inquiry below to find out more!

Age: 17

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Out of state home studies are not being considered at this time. Arkansas residents may inquire.

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