Credit and Appreciation go to: Samantha Daniels Photography
How cool a name is Tennessee? We just love Tennessee. She loves art, drawing, and coloring…anything artistic, and she is ready to get creative. Most of her original creations feature her favorite colors of pink and purple, and her favorite foods are pizza and chicken nuggets. Tennessee relates better to adults than kids her age, and she loves to be a helper and please others. This isn’t necessarily an issue, but she will need some help allowing her peers into her circle and trusting them to like her. When we asked Tennessee what kind of family she hopes to find, she told us that she wanted to be the youngest child in the home but she wants older siblings. Tennessee is going to be a great little sister and daughter for some lucky family out there. You just have to make that leap and spend some time with her. You’ll see what we see – a sweet, kind, helpful young lady who wants and needs a family to accept her and wrap around her. Simple stuff, really!
Age: 12
Short Film Sponsored By:
Out of state home studies are being considered.