Kadyn is a bright teenager with a knack for research and a passion for learning. He has a great sense of humor and enjoys making others laugh and often jokes about his hip replacement surgery. Kadyn is particularly interested in engineering and dreams of studying it in college. He loves building with Legos and figuring out complex problems. Despite his physical limitations due to hip surgery, Kadyn remains determined and resilient, finding ways to adapt and excel in his pursuits. Kadyn is looking for a supportive and loving family who understands the importance of maintaining connections with his half-siblings. He has multiple half-siblings, including a sister who will soon turn 18. Kadyn enjoys eating chicken and has fond memories of the time he called his county’s police dispatch to request a tour, showcasing his inquisitive nature. A family that can offer stability, encouragement, and a sense of belonging will help Kadyn thrive and achieve his dreams.
Age: 15
A family has been identified for Kadyn! He will remain in our Heart Gallery until his adoption has finalized.